From idea to product with one project partner

This is the spirit that drives Capetti Elettronica to meet every new technological challenge alongside its customers.

With 50 years of experience in electronic engineering, and 15 years of success in wireless monitoring, Capetti is one of the most reliable datalogger manufacturers in the world.

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Case Studies
Metro 5 - Milan
Milan's M5 subway line winds along approximately 25 km of tunnels…
Energy loss
CAPETTI Elettronica has always been mindful of climate change...
EDEN project
EDEN – Energy Data ENgagement – is a project that transpired from the idea...

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Our products
Outdoor temperature - Strain gauge - Load cells
4 channels Wireless Smart Datalogger - Outdoor temperature and 3 strain gauge/load cells inputs...
Load cell
Electrical load cell for tie rods, f.s. 1500 KN
Air speed sensor
Air velocity sensor, range 0..20m/s